Which Sofa Shape is the Best?

How do you know which sofa shape is the best for your living room? Well, as professional interior designers and curators of some of the finest furnishings in the world, we’re going to help you figure that out.

In essence, the answer comes down to several factors including its purpose, the room size and the overall layout of your desired seating plan. But beyond that, choosing the ideal sofa requires the proper blend of gorgeous design, superior comfort and great functionality.

From lounging in front of the TV to refined entertaining to possibly providing a cosy bed for unexpected guests, a good sofa will play multiple roles in your busy lifestyle. And, with a plethora of different shapes to choose from, finding your perfect fit can be a daunting task.

Whether you’re furnishing a small flat or a large family room, your final decision will dictate the overall ambience and functionality of your living space. So grab some tea and let’s take a look at some of the most popular shapes on the market.

Understanding different sofa shapes

Sofas have developed over the years from standard two-seaters to fully-fledged modular sofas that can be changed and adapted to suit your exact needs. With add-ons that include armed ends, corner pieces, chaise longues and ottomans, you can adjust your seating solution to suit your lifestyle, allowing you to expand on or discard units according to your requirements.


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Let’s zoom in on some of the most popular sofa shapes and the benefits they bring.

Sectional Sofas

A sectional sofa is made up of at least two parts that can be linked together in a variety of ways. One of the major advantages of these units is their adaptability to the layout of your room and needs as a family.

Sectionals come in all shapes and sizes and are defined specifically by having two or more adjoining pieces that attach to create one continuous sofa. This can result in many different shapes, so let’s take a look at the options:

L-Shaped Sofas

As suggested by the name, these sofas are made to form the shape of the letter L. Take a look at the gorgeous Bellevue sofa by Gamma & Dandy as a prime example. Here are some of their benefits:

  • The corner piece of your L-shaped sofa can be positioned on either the right or left-hand side to accommodate your layout. Some even come with versatile, detachable armrests, allowing you to adjust them as you please.
  • They are designed to fill awkward corner spaces, allowing you to utilise every inch of your room.
  • They provide ample seating and are conversation-friendly, allowing you to interact with guests easily.
  • The chaise or ottoman section offers a comfortable spot on which you can stretch out and watch TV.
  • They suit multiple room sizes from small to large, allowing you to get the most out of your floorplan, even if you’re facing a space crunch.
  • They can be used as room dividers or to define specific zones in open-concept living areas.

U-Shaped Sofas

U-shaped sofas typically feature three straight sides and two corners, all of which can be at varying lengths as seen in the Argo sofa by Porada. This is why we love them:

  • They are statement pieces that add a touch of elegance and refinement to any room.
  • They provide plenty of seating space, encouraging convivial conversation in large living areas where lots of guests are frequently entertained.
  • The U-shape provides you with multiple arrangement possibilities, allowing you to establish separate seating zones within the sofa or adjust it to your room’s layout.
  • They often include extra benefits such as recliners, cup holders, storage sections or built-in tables, offering convenience and adaptability in a single piece of furniture.
  • The extended sections can be used as a comfy lounge place for reading, napping, or watching TV, making them an ideal option for media rooms.
  • U-shaped sofas are a go-to for large families with children because they allow everyone to congregate comfortably to spend quality time together.

Modular Sofas

The most versatile of the group, modular sofas consist of several individual seat pieces that are arranged in a variety of configurations. The pieces can stand alone or be brought together to mimic the U and L shape, making the possibilities endless. The Leon sofa, which is part of the Naustro Accent Collection, for example, will give your spaces a contemporary feel while pandering to all your lifestyle needs. Here’s why you should get one:

  • Its design capabilities and ability to remove any component to meet changing seating needs allow for easy adaption to all room sizes and shapes.
  • The separate components of a modular sofa are often light, making them easier to transport and get into awkward spaces like stairwells or lifts.
  • Because you can add extra modules, it is a long-lasting furniture investment that will help to future-proof your home. They also have an excellent resale value, potentially retaining their worth over time.
  • Maintaining a modular sofa is simple because you can detach and clean or discard particular portions independently, saving you money in replacement costs.
  • They are available in a variety of styles, colours, and materials, allowing you to pick a design that suits your aesthetic tastes and existing decor.
  • Each part of a modular sofa can have distinct characteristics, such as adjustable headrests or reclining capabilities, allowing people to tailor their seating experience to their specific comfort requirements.
Which Sofa Shape is the Best?
Which Sofa Shape is the Best?


Standard Luxury Sofas

A standard luxury sofa features a traditional, fixed design with a straight backrest, two armrests, and a seating area. Reputable brands like Laskasas offer a wide range of them including the classic Chester three-seater, reminiscent of the original Chesterfield design. This timeless aesthetic infuses your room with a sense of tradition, bringing with it feelings of comfort and ease. Here’s what makes them classics:

  • They blend into a wide variety of interior design styles from sleek and modern to cosy and classic, allowing you to find the perfect match for your specific taste.
  • Standard sofas offer the flexibility of being easily placed in different layouts, whether against a wall or in the centre of a room.
  • They are easy to match with other furniture items and accessories such as armchairs, ottomans, coffee tables, throws and cushions.
  • High-end sofas are constructed with solid frames and durable materials to ensure hard-wearing longevity.
  • They provide a comfortable, familiar seating solution for guests, making your living spaces friendly and inviting.
  • They are readily available and often come at a lower price than their sectional counterparts, making them affordable for a wide range of budgets.

Sofa Beds

Sofas by day, beds by night, these versatile pieces of furniture are exactly what you need if your household is always full of unexpected overnight guests. Here are their main benefits:

  • Perfect for smaller living spaces, sofa beds combine the functions of both a sofa and a bed in one piece of furniture. This reduces the need for separate seating and sleeping spaces, especially if you live in a bedsit or have no spare room.
  • Flexible and convenient, high-end versions still have the style and visual impact associated with regular sofas, like the elegant Tango edition by Felix collection.
  • Available in a wide range of designs, sizes and materials, it’s easy to select one that seamlessly matches your decor and personal tastes.
  • As an all-in-one unit, they are a cost-effective option for those trying to save money and optimise space.
  • Some sofa beds have built-in storage units, providing a convenient place to keep sheets, throws and pillows to keep your rooms clutter-free.
  • As with a conventional sofa, they are easy to clean and maintain, offering a hassle-free lifestyle ideal for the busy homeowner.

Finding the perfect sofa shape for your needs

In order to find the perfect sofa shape for your specific room, you’ll need to do the following 3 things:

1. Assess your living space and room dimensions

Step number one is to take a good look at your living area and room measurements and ascertain the following:

Measurements: Take the length, width and height of the area in which the sofa will be put. This will ensure that it fits adequately without overwhelming your other furniture or appearing small and lost.

Traffic flow: Take note of the location of other furniture pieces and make sure that the sofa shape you choose allows for easy movement without interfering with the overall flow and functionality of the space.

2. Determine your lifestyle and usage requirements

This will assist you in selecting a sofa shape that corresponds to your individual needs. Think about the following:

Your family: If you have children or pets, durability and stain resistance is critical. Opt for sofas that are known for their hard wear and choose upholstery materials that are easy to maintain.

Your activities: If you like to host gatherings or usually prioritise comfort because lounging is your thing, consider sofa shapes that include additional features like recliners or a chaise longue. These characteristics will enhance your overall experience of your seating solution and provide an enticing environment that promotes relaxation.

Your preferences: Determine if you want a formal or casual seating arrangement and plan accordingly. Consider sofa shapes with rigid designs and clean lines for a more refined environment or softer cushions and a more relaxed style for a more spontaneous atmosphere.

3. Match your sofa shape with your decor and design

It is critical to match the shape of your sofa with the existing design and decor in your room to create a unified, visually appealing aesthetic. You’ll need to look at:

Your existing furniture: Consider the genre, colour palette and design features of your existing furnishings and choose a sofa shape that complements them.

Different room styles: Take the overall style of your room into account before choosing a sofa. Sleek and minimalistic designs are ideal for contemporary interiors but if you have an eclectic home, look for unusual shapes that provide character and visual interest.

Considering comfort and ergonomics

When selecting a sofa, comfort and ergonomics are critical factors in providing a pleasurable seating experience. If possible, test out your sofa of choice in-store or read reputable evaluations to help to make the right choices. To get this right, consider the following variables.

Seat depth and cushioning

Firmness and comfort: Consider whether you prefer a firm or cushy seating experience. Some people opt for great lumbar support while others prefer something more relaxed.

Cushion fillings: Investigate the various cushion filling alternatives like foam, feathers, down or a mixture and ask about their varying benefits. Select one that corresponds with your preferences and desired level of comfort.

Individual seating zones: Do you prefer a deeper seating area for a more easygoing lounging experience or a shallower format for a more upright position?

Back support and posture

Backrest angles and heights: These can most definitely affect your seating position. Low backrests create a sleek, minimalistic look while higher versions promote lumbar comfort.

Additional support: Lumbar cushions or adjustable headrests are extras that help to enhance your sense of ease and give customised support for your back and neck.

Which Sofa Shape is the Best?
Which Sofa Shape is the Best?


Choosing the right sofa materials

Upholstery plays a major role in how your sofa responds to wear and tear over time. In most cases, homeowners tend to expose their sectionals to heavy usage and expect them to handle more activity than the average sofa. It’s for this reason that we recommend high-performance fabrics that require minimal maintenance. For a busy household, these are the sofa materials we love.


A popular choice for contemporary homes, leather sofas bring a feel of sophistication to a living room. You won't have to worry about shedding from your fur babies and liquid spills are easily mopped up. However, this fabric is best avoided if your pets have a tendency to scratch things.


Microfibre is closely woven making it perfect for homes with pets and kids. Hairs will not stick to it and it is resistant to spills. Its soft and smooth texture provides for comfortable lounging. Best of all, this fabric is easy to clean and requires low maintenance.

High-Performance Synthetics

Technology has allowed for the performance enhancement of synthetics like acrylic, rayon and polyester. These now score high in terms of durability, stain resistance and ease of care. All this functionality comes with the same softness, breathability and luxurious feel of natural fabrics. This makes them a great option for your sectional.

In Conclusion

When deciding which sofa shape is best for your living area, always think about how many seats you need, your room size and the best layout for your space.

We know that both large and small rooms can be tricky to design, but with our expert team at your disposal, you’ll be able to pick out the right option in no time.

To find out more, get in touch today or come and try out a variety of luxury sofas at our spectacular showroom. You can also browse through our latest design projects portfolio for some fabulous ideas.

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